The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus contributed to a global health crisis. Pregnant women are considered a vulnerable population that can develop severe SARS-CoV-2 infections due to physiological changes during pregnancy that affect a wide range of functions, causing cardiovascular instability, bleeding disorders, respiratory and immune dysfunction. These factors may adversely affect the course of COVID-19. In addition to pregnancy, a pregnant woman may have additional risk factors, including diabetes, obesity, advanced age (pregnancy >35 years), or chronic cardiovascular or respiratory disease. Early studies indicate that COVID-19 increases the risk of serious illness and death in pregnant women. In addition, COVID-19 was associated with adverse fetal outcomes as preterm birth. The mechanisms underlying the increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in pregnant women with COVID-19 are not well-understood but may be related to the direct effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the placenta and the fetus, as well as the indirect effects of systemic inflammation and cytokine storm. During the pandemic, the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant in particular has been shown to be associated with severe disease. The new coronavirus variants pre-delta, as well as the omicron variant, seem to be generally associated with a milder course of disease.
Pregnant women should be encouraged to take preventive measures such as social distance, hand hygiene and wearing a mask. Pregnant women with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should receive prompt and appropriate medical care to reduce the risk of adverse outcomes. The availability of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 may protect vulnerable groups from a life-threatening course of disease. Vaccination against COVID-19 is also recommended during pregnancy and contributes to the protection of the expectant mother and the fetus.
Egzistuoja milijonai grybelių rūšių, tačiau tik keletas šimtų, priklausančių mieliagrybių, pelėsinių, dermatofitų ar dimorfinių grybelių rūšims, žmogui gali sukelti ligą. Pačios grėsmingiausios žmonių sveikatai yra invazinės grybelinės infekcijos. Medicinos pažanga, taikomi nauji gydymo metodai, įvairios imunosupresinės būklės yra susijusios su didesne šių infekcijų rizika. Invazinės grybelinės infekcijos yra aktuali problema visame pasaulyje – jas sunku išgydyti, didėja atsparumas vaistams, o mirštamumas išlieka didelis.
Straipsnyje apžvelgiamos invazinių grybelinių infekcijų aktualijos.
The toll of anti-vaccination in the public sphere is wide reaching and severely impactful. From continuing outbreaks of cases in communities previously thought to have eliminated the disease, the heightened demand of health care facilities, to the enormous economic burden that is brought on by these outbreaks. Although preventable via wide-spread use of vaccination, the increasing frequency of disease outbreaks is proving to be a major issue for healthcare systems worldwide. These problems are large in scope, and with the increase of skepticism towards healthcare and government officials via aggressive misinformation networks, along with the abandonment of the paternalistic model in patient- physician relationships are proving to be a major burden on medical systems worldwide. With the growing influence of social media in the public discourse, platforms such as Facebook and Twitter provide a host for multitude of vaccine critical outlooks and prove to be difficult to manage especially heading into the future. This paper aims to highlight three timeframes via a focus on the impact of anti-vaccination in their perspective disease: the role of anti-vaccination in its early start as panic towards the importation of foreign medical procedures as a preventative tool for smallpox outbreaks, the modern battle against MMR vaccine misinformation and its consequences, to the future of the problem approaching the era of postCovid life and the potential of future global pandemics along with potential biological warfare and its consequences.
The COVID-19 is one of the most important recent events in the world. Its long asymptomatic incubation period, efficient airborne transmission and high infectivity have contributed to its rapid global spread. The spectrum of symptoms, mortality and morbidity varies widely. Chronic diseases are an important risk factor for the development of severe and fatal forms of COVID-19. Many studies have confirmed that malignant hematological diseases have the worst morbidity and mortality outcomes. Currently, the most effective way to fight infection is through vaccination. This has been effective and has had a dramatic effect on reducing serious illness and mortality rates in the general population, but the benefits of the vaccine have not been successfully replicated in patients with hematological malignancies. The COVID-19 pandemic poses several medical challenges that encourage researchers and clinicians to provide the best possible care for patients with hematological malignancies during this difficult period.